Quantum Coaching & Healing

“The body doesn’t know the difference between an experience and a thought. You can literally change your biology, neuro-circuitry, chemistry, hormones and genes, simply by having an inner experience.”

-Dr. Joe Dispenza

What if you could access your highest vibrational state of peace, love, joy, health, freedom and fulfillment within minutes and release everything that is limiting you or holding you back? Come play in the quantum realm where science merges with spirituality and all change, healing and miracles are possible here and now!

How it works:

In quantum physics, all reality can be described as vibrations and waveform patterns, likewise, in quantum healing everything, including the person, is seen as light and information. Light and information are neutral rather than good or bad, thus we avoid the need to overcome anything, but rather we uncollapse the current quantum wave (current reality) and open up the field of possibilities, this makes it possible to introduce new information, remove old patterns, and in turn allows for a new reality with more helpful possibilities to unfold.

These sessions are designed to:

*initiate key shifts to catalyze healing in mind, body and spirit
*release limiting patterns (based on separation, fear, limitation and lack)
*integrate all aspects of yourself and experience true freedom
*awaken your sense of wholeness and unity
*activate present heart-centered awareness & creativity
*connect you with your own intuitive guidance and vision
*clarify life questions, direction and fulfillment of your true purpose
*find real solutions and resolution to issues and challenges
*raise your frequency physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually
*upgrade your gene expression with quantum light codes to elevate your state
*reveal your true nature & come home to your true Self as a divine being of infinite light and love

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies”
-Albert Einstein

An invitation to take a quantum leap:

This powerful work produces observable and verifiable changes, encompassing a whole new state of being, a new way of experiencing yourself, the world, and a more expansive way of accessing new possibilities – a true consciousness shift. It is a portal into profound transformation, through an alchemical blend of  healing technologies which clear issues in the tissues, traumas, and unhelpful or limiting patterns on any level, whether they be physical, mental, emotional or genetic – regardless if they are past, present or future. These sessions can also catalyze deep forgiveness and release of the past, open your intuitive channels of inner guidance, and bring clarity regarding your present direction and life purpose.

Each session is unique and very specific to the individual recipient. As we enter this unifying field of infinite possibility through the higher Self (or Christ consciousness), we access the akashic record and connect with healing catalysts such as angels, saints, ascended masters, spirit guides, great ray light frequencies and any other helpers of the highest light that are ready to serve you. The field is always expanding and incorporating new elements and guides as channels are opened and more finely tuned, allowing for even more profound shifts and transformation than ever before. These life-changing shifts can be simple and fun, bringing resolutions of issues you have carried for years or lifetimes. There is indeed no limit to the miracles that are possible!

“Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation and intelligence.”

–Dr. Deepak Chopra